Pet Life Magazine, New Zealand Pet Life Magazine Issue 2 AUTUMN 2017 | Page 8

Chinchillas are nocturnal animals that are known to have nervous tendencies . While they don ’ t care for someone holding them , they can become friendly animals over time and learn to trust their owner . Chinchillas are natives to the Andes Mountains in South America where they live together in herds to the age of eight to 10 . However , the average lifespan of a pet chin averages 15-20 years with appropriate care and cage setup .
Chinchillas need a large cage for comfortable living and if you decide to house two together it will need to be bigger again . It ’ s OK to have more than one chin of the same gender housed together as long as their personalities don ’ t clash . If you decide to have a male and female in the same cage , one will need to be desexed to prevent offspring . They can have up to four kits per litter ( two is normal ) and can have up to three litters a year .
When active , chins are full of life so it is necessary for them to have plenty of space to roam . A 38cm wheel helps to encourage running exercise , and also offer chew toys to your chins to keep them entertained . Supervising free time outside of their cage for exercise every day is important for happy , healthy , longlived chins .
Chinchillas are extremely sensitive to environmental changes including temperature changes . Temperatures of about 27 degrees Celsius can induce heatstroke which can be recognised by general restlessness , rapid breathing , high fever and drooling . If not treated immediately , your chinchilla may go into a coma and / or die , so treat quickly by cooling their body temperature down slowly with a cool water bath and contact your vet . To prevent heatstroke , choose a cage that has plenty of air circulation and place out of direct sunlight .
A chinchilla ’ s cleanliness relies on regular dust baths which help to maintain healthy skin and fur . Dust baths can be purchased commercially and are best offered to your chin during free play – if kept in the cage they can become soiled . If they don ’ t have the ability to bathe they can end up stressed , chins can turn into health issues .
A commercial chinchilla pellet contains the nutrients they require , and supplement this food with hay for roughage . Alfalfa or timothy hay is an important source of fibre for their system ; it needs to be chemical and mould-free due to the chin ’ s sensitive digestive system . Treats like raisins can be given in moderation – too many can cause weight gain and / or upset digestive processes .
Fur Slip - The protective process where a scared chinchilla releases a patch of fur . To prevent fur slip , handle a chinchilla gently and move slowly .
Rats make fantastic pets – they are intelligent , social animals – but they are not necessarily the pet for everyone . Before you buy or adopt a rat you should do your research . There is plenty of misleading information out there so make sure you search reputable sites .
Rats may be cheap to purchase but are not a cheap pet to keep . Veterinary care , food , cages and accessories can all add up . Do some costings of these items to make sure you know the true cost of your pet . Rats may be small but they deserve care , good food and vet treatment like any other animal . Rats in New Zealand live two to three years so make sure you can give them that commitment – they are not disposable animals . Once you have decided that a pet rat is for you , you will need to purchase a few basic items .
* Your rat ’ s cage needs to be the biggest you can afford and have space for – your rat will live most of his time in here so it needs to be suitable . Go to http :// ratclub . org / rat _ care . htm and check out the cage calculator . Rats need at least one hour out of the cage a day to play and bond with you . Rats need to be kept indoors as they are very sensitive to extreme changes in temperature .
* Beds and hammocks , food bowls , water bottles and chews – rats ’ teeth continually grow so they need something hard for chewing to keep their teeth down . Litter may also be required – never use pine or cedar based litter / bedding as this can cause respiratory issues in rats
You will need to get at least two rats of the same sex as rats are social animals and require company of another rat even if you are giving them plenty of attention . Having more than one rat will not mean they are any less likely to bond with you .
Rats require a grain-based diet but many rat mixes on the market are quite high in seeds . Check different products to find the best one for your rats . Rats should also have fresh fruit and vegetables every day . Rats can also have the odd treat to enjoy . There are foods which are harmful to rats so check the list at the Ratclub website .
Rats are prone to some health issues , so be prepared to make the occasional veterinary visit . Consults and medication are similar in price to that of a cat or a dog .
This article was provided by New Zealand Rat Rescue . If you need any further advice please contact them directly .