Pet Gazette October 2018 | Page 44

celebrating SEASON? vet trips NO PROBLEM. car journeys INTRODUCING kalm aid, THE fireworks NEW calming PRODUCT FROM separation anxiety highly strung pets vet trips car journeys fireworks separation Introducing kalm anxiety aid, PlaqueOff Animal’s calming supplement. kalm Aid contains highly strung green pets tea extract and starts working within 90 minutes. l-Tryptophan, Kalm aid can be used for one off events, or to control undesirable behaviour on a daily basis. Introducing kalm aid, PlaqueOff Animal’s calming supplement. kalm Aid contains l-Tryptophan, green tea extract and starts working within 90 minutes. Kalm aid can be used for one off events, or to control undesirable behaviour on a daily basis. AVAILABLE THROUGH PET & VET WHOLESALERS. AVAILABLE THROUGH PET & VET WHOLESALERS. WWW.SWEDENCARE.CO.UK WWW.SWEDENCARE.CO.UK