Caroline Offord discusses how the drop in temperature can affect local wildlife
Chris Gomersall (RSPB-images.com)
Ben Andrew (RSPB-images.com)
from meat roasting tins, please beware that fat from cooking is bad
espite being the month associated with the season
for birds. The problems occur when meat juices blend with the fat and
of goodwill, December can be a cruel month. Wildlife
once set, causes smearing, which is detrimental for birds’ feathers,
may be hard to fi nd at this time of year, freezing
which are vital for their winter survival in not only keeping them warm,
temperatures and lack of food or shelter can prove
but for fl ight as well. Such fat also includes harmful bacteria, which is
challenging for many species, it is not surprising therefore that some
bad news for birds, as is the salt used in cooked meats.
creatures take advantage of our warm homes. Tell your customers to
Water is also essential for birds throughout winter, despite there
take a look behind their curtains as they might fi nd an overwintering
being all that snow on the ground. Though keeping a bird bath
small tortoiseshell or peacock butterfl y. These creatures will do no
ice-free is a challenge in itself, customers could try lining the bath
harm and it is best to leave them be. Just leave a window open when
with a polythene sheet which can then be lifted out along with the
the weather gets warmer and they will be on their way.
ice or placing a small ball in it, which when
With Christmas upon us, your customers’
it moves, will help prevent all of the water
cosy homes are soon decorated with glitzy
freezing up.
tinsel and festive lights. Outside, harsh frosts
Very few birds sing throughout the winter
and fl urries of snow decorate gardens with
months, with perhaps the exception of birds
a dusting of sugar-like ice. Holly leaves and
like the Christmas card favourite; the Robin,
berries snatched by Jack Frost dazzle in the
that can sing all year round. Chances are,
winter sun. It is clear that even nature knows
the only time of year when customers won’t
how to decorate throughout the festive
hear a Robin is late summer when they are
season. Although those brightly coloured
moulting and vulnerable to predation. The
berry baubles, that adorn hedges and trees
song customers hear in mid-December,
at this time year, may catch our eye, to wildlife
which reaches its crescendo in spring, is
they could mean the difference between life
dual purpose. It is used not only to attract
and death. Winter is the time when nature’s
a mate, but also to defend a territory. Other
once overfl owing cupboard is now well and
birds customers might hear now are Owls.
truly bare. Food is scarce and the fi ght for
It is at night in woodland from December
survival begins in earnest. Starvation and
onwards that the elusive Tawny Owl vocally
coping with the dramatic drop in temperature
proclaims its territory. Males advertise their
throughout the winter sadly claims many
presence with a distinct hooting call and
small garden birds.
if customers are lucky, they may hear the
Rather than throwing away uneaten
classic ‘kee-wick’ call made by both the
Christmas cake or half-nibbled mince pies,
male and female. Tawny Owls with their
why not advise them to put these energy
chunky brown body and noticeably large
rich crumbs out for the birds and make their
head have large jet black eyes that are
Christmas! Other food scraps they might want
perfect for hunting between dusk and dawn.
to consider include dried cereals, chopped up
With natural food scarce during the colder
apples and pears, dried fruit, potatoes and
months, their prey species of mainly mice
perhaps a little grated cheese. Whilst they may
Paul Sawer (RSPB-images.com)
and shrews, may be hard to fi nd.
be tempted to make fat cakes out of the fat
December 2018