The Culture
Peru is a western South American country with a coastline on the Pacific Ocean. The high, rugged Andean mountain chain, which runs from north to south, is flanked to the west by the Pacific coastal plain and to the east by the eastern lowland jungles of the Amazon Basin.
The Government
Peru has a Constitutional Republic , meaning it is state where the officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens.
Women: mixture of styles from Pre-Spanish days and Spanish Colonial peasant dress
Men: dark wool knee-length handwoven bayeta pants. A woven belt called a chumpi, and the handwoven poncho.
Main languages: Spanish and Quechua. Other languages: Aymara and English.
What do they call it?
Meat - Carne
Bread - Pan
Vegetables - Vegetales
Fruit - Fruta
Dairy Products - Productos de Lactosa.
Basic diet:
All throughout: A variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as meat, such as pork, beef, duck, and chicken.
Along the mountains: root vegetables such as potatoes, and corn.
Along the coast, fish.
Typical foods:
Empanadas - beef, chicken, cheese, veggies.
Sancochado - heavy soup of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yucca.
Ceviche - seafood salad.
North: Arroz con pato.
Border with Chile: Rocotos rellenos.
Suspiro de una LimeƱa - milk and egg based dessert topped with Italian merengue.
Pisco - spirit distilled from grapes, made with pisco sour, lime, egg white and sugar.
"Peru", SolucionesSolares, 2014
"Bandera Peru", The Clinic, 2014
"Traditional Dresses", ThreadsOfPeru, 2014
By: Caro Olivas,
Margarita Coronado
& AnaKaren Arechavaleta