Persuaion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed [PDF] | Page 42
hours that would be $4500. But the value of Persuasion Skills on Steroids
Deconstructed is even higher than that.
In fact to the best of my knowledge no NLP trainer records live courses and
then deconstructs them for you. Sure, YouTube is jam packed with trainers
showing you stu , doing demonstrations and selling you their programmes
but how many are prepared to take their training and deconstruct the
hypnotic persuasion patterns that they are using on their audience?
The value of Hypnotic Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed is the fact
that you can watch it again and again from multiple perspectives. Including
seeing the whole thing through my eyes with my thoughts on what worked,
what didn’t, what I would use again, what I would change and
most importantly, how you can apply all of this for your situations. Each time
you watch, you will learn more and because you have learnt more, watching
again will take you to a whole new level. That is where the value of this course
When I sent this course out to people to review the prices they suggested
ranged from $2000 to $5000. But I am a trainer. When you spend some time
on my website and articles, you will nd one of my core values is about having