Persuaion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed [PDF] | Page 37

In this forty minute video I take you through a conversational model that allows you to give the participant the illusion of control over the conversation whereas it will only go where you want it to. It gives you the opportunity to appear as a great wit and raconteur with massive charisma and knowledge whilst all you are doing is taking people through some trance experiences and pointing the conversation to wherever you want it to go. This works with any conversation, personal, business, formal or casual. Developing a Persuasive Personality This forty- ve minute video takes you  through the exercise demonstrated in part three of the Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed step by step. This video gives you extra details and dissects the process in a more precise way than a live demonstration could. By the end of this recording you will have actively installed a massive persuasion personality directly into your brain ready for you to use whenever the situation demands.