Perspectives Q4 2022 Perspectives Q4 2022 | Page 39


Producing content
The next step is creating content that will deliver value to your target audience . Make sure that the content you create is :
Relevant to your ideal clients .
Helpful to your customers by providing educational information to guide their decision-making while positioning your firm as a thought leader .
Consistent in voice , whether you opt for an informal , conversational tone or a more results-oriented , professional sound .
Enjoyable to read so as to engage the audience .
You don ’ t have to create this content all on your own . You can take advantage of tools , templates , and other resources that make it easier to create professional content that your clients will find valuable . You can also seek out companies or consultants to provide content for you . The most important thing to remember is to align the content with the buyer ’ s journey stages . Make sure you are not asking for too much from your prospects too soon .


Optimizing your website for leads
Optimize your website to work with various devices and operating systems . An optimized website should have a simple , user-friendly design that works on iOS- and Android-based devices and desktop computers .
Simple navigational menus help prospective clients find what they ’ re looking for , help search engines find your content , and drive traffic to your site . You should list the following pages on your site ’ s navigation menu :
About : brief description of your organization and its purpose .
Products and Services : clear listing and description of the services your financial firm offers .
Resources : links to any free webinars , calculators , free downloads , or other resources your organization offers .
Contact : clear , easy way for leads to contact you — including a booking link to schedule time on your calendar .


Getting discovered through blog posts
Blog posts allow you to appear organically in online searches and are crucial for getting discovered by new followers . When creating blog posts , ensure keywords are relevant to your subject matter to optimize these posts for search page rank .
Remember to write a meta description and include the primary keyword . Always include pictures with blog posts . Include both internal ( to another page on your site ) and external ( to another reputable site ) links . Be sure to have a call to action at the end of each blog post , like scheduling an appointment with an advisor .
It ’ s time to reevaluate marketing strategies for taking the lead in business growth .
Lead-Gen continued on page 40
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