Spring . The bringer of life . The arrival of warmth . The end of winter . It is a time of certainty — the assurance that the days will get longer , the trees will grow back , and the fauna will re-emerge . A certainty that is appreciated after times of bleakness .
Once a single flower blooms , the surrounding flora is quick to follow . As if shouting “ it ’ s here !” to one another , life swiftly spreads across the soil , bursting out to witness the sun . A barrage of colours and smells fill the landscape and signal the end of winter .
However , spring is but an ephemeral moment . Just as the cold gave way to warmth , the blossoms give way to leaves . The flowers wither and fall , the mild weather becomes hot and humid . This season , anticipated and celebrated by many , inevitably departs us .
Hence it is up to us to enjoy it to its fullest . In what is perhaps the most pleasant time of the year , many of us will be off enjoying the company of family and friends , or with exam season fast approaching , past papers and textbooks . In any case , it is indubitable that the spring break will provide all of us with a much-needed break from the monotony of school and the stress we all dread .
Chang Shen Ho