Perspective: Africa (Sep 2016) Perspective: Africa (Sep 2016) | Page 4
Table of Contents
From The Executive Editor - 5
The Horn’s Mayday - 6
Leigh Barrett
Somalia - 14
Anthony Karen
Black Lives Should Matter - in America and Africa - 24
Mandy Tomson
Reassessing Genocide in Africa - 37
Michael Schmidt
A Year of Elections - 45
Paradise Undermined - Part 3 - 52
John GI Clarke
The Continued Rape of Africa - 64
Leigh Barrett
The People Shall Govern - 67
The Purple Shall Govern - 74
Talibe - Modern Day Slaves - 78
Mario Cruz, in collaboration with FotoEvidence
The Founding of Cape Town - 87
Patric Tariq Mellet
Food Security in a Changing World - 98
Leigh Barrett