Perspective: Africa (Sep 2016) Perspective: Africa (Sep 2016) | Page 15

Perspective: Africa - September 2016 Somalia Photo Essay by Anthony Karen Text by Anthony Karen and Leigh Barrett Above: A Somali refugee at the Badbaado IDP Camp. Badbaado and Jowhar IDP Camps Located just outside Mogadishu, the Badbaado camp was formed after the 2011 drought that devastated much of East Africa, and has since been refuge to those fleeing the violence. It currently houses around 30,000 refugees. Over the ensuing years, numerous reports of abuses against the refugees have reached the media. Those running the camp have been accused of working for the militia and reports of rape, beatings, refused access to food and medical care, and reprisals for those who complain, appear to be common and keep the displaced people at the mercy of those who control access, according to a Human Rights Watch report. Less refugees and more hostages, the understandable anger towards those in authority mingles with the despair of those who have no choices left. Children also struggle to receive an education which is crucial if the country is to ever get past its violent history, and while some schools receive donations from international NGO’s, it’s not enough to cover the costs, resulting in many schools closing down. The cycle of history and poverty, which often finds direction in violence, appears doomed to repeat itself. Jowhar camp is in the town of Jowhar, a joint administrative capital north of Mogadishu. 14