Perspective: Africa (Sep 2016) Perspective: Africa (Sep 2016) | Page 10
Perspective: Africa - September 2016
The Italians built the magnificent Mogadishu
Cathedral in 1928 and over the ensuing years of
conflict, it has been the site of various attacks:
the final and most devastating being in 2008,
when much of the cathedral was destroyed by
Islamic fundamentalists. Despite the ruined
building, it has remained the protective site for
many internally displaced people who set up
tents and makeshift shelters in the grounds.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Mogadiscio
has announced plans to repair the building, but
with only around 100 Catholics (and possibly
70% of whom are foreign aid workers) in a
country that is 99.8% Muslim, it is difficult to
say whether the Cathedral will ever see a return
to its former glory.
Photo: AMISOM Public Information