Perspective: Africa (June 2016) Perspective: Africa (June 2016) | Page 8
Perspective: Africa - June 2016
This year, Perspective will be continuing
the podcasts, and we are looking for people
who would like to conduct interviews on
a range of topics, with a focus on Africa,
Europe, and the Middle East. If you’re
interested, please contact me via email.
to non-profits, and free advertorial space
to non-profits working in Africa. It doesn’t
really get better than that.
We are thrilled to welcome content partner, the venerable South African Institute
of International Affairs. The SAIIA was
founded in 1934 in Cape Town, and is one
of the world’s finest independent, non-governmental think tanks, covering policy
both domestic and international.
In this issue, Perspective’s London correspondent, Angela Turner, and I look at
the Rwandan genocide from two different
angles. While Angela focuses on the transgenerational impact, I examine the role of
hate speech. One of the podcasts available
on CD Baby deals with that very topic:
how often seemingly innocuous words can
lead to xenophobia and, too often, genocide. Using language effectively is a very
powerful weapon, and recognizing it is
key to preventing violence. You can hear a
segment of that podcast on the Perspective
Publications website.
Contributions are always warmly welcomed, and the Submissions guidelines
and deadlines are on the website.
The third quarter of Perspective: Africa will
come out in September, and submissions
are being accepted now. If you want to
write something, but need guidance on a
topic, we have a list of suggestions. We especially encourage student journalists who
often require a little extra helping hand in
getting published.
One of our goals for Perspective Publications is to engage students and encourage
a broader view of the world in which they
live and in which they will become future
leaders. For this reason, we are currently
seeking sponsorship or grants that will
cover the cost of distribution to university
students. Sponsors can select the country
in which distribution happens. For more
information, please contact us via email.
We welcome advertising! Our rates are
lower than all similar publications, as
we keep our overheads very low. With
a worldwide audience, it makes good
business sense to take up a little space in
Perspective. We are distributed globally, in
print and digital eReaders, and the website
is attracting an international audience eager to learn more about some of the issues
we feature. We also offer deep discounts
As you know, events unfold at a swift pace
in this world, and there’s never a shortage
of stories to tell. We hope you will join us
in the telling.
Thank you for your support.