Perspective: Africa (June 2016) Perspective: Africa (June 2016) | Page 12
Perspective: Africa - June 2016
10 facts about Women’s Rights in Africa
A woman in South Africa has a
greater chance of being raped than she
does of learning how to read (BBC)
In Mali, Nigeria, Malawi and
Burkina Faso over 70% of women report
that they have no say in their own health
needs as they have to seek permission from
Seventy percent of women in Niger their husband. (World Vision)
report being beaten or raped by their husband, father or brother (UNOCHA 2007)
The five North African countries
In Sub Saharan Africa about half of surveyed by Afrobarometer – Algeria,
the population live below the poverty line; Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia – collectively report the lowest levels of support
over 80 percent of the poor are women
for women’s equality, and the highest
(UNFPA 2008)
frequency of discrimination
Africa currently ‘boasts” just one
elected female president – Liberia’s Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf – in an entire continent
of 54 countries, more than 50 years after
political independence
68% of Africans believe women are
as capable as men of being political leaders,
including 74% of East Africans, but just
50% of North Africans. (Afrobarometer)
At the current pace of change it
will take approximately 80 years to achieve
gender parity in workplaces (World Economic forum)
Women’s literacy rates remain 24
percentage points lower than those of men
in Africa, compared with a global difference of just 10 points (Afrobarometer)
Only 2 women are listed on South
Africa’s top 100 CEOs… This when held
up against the narrative of Africa Rising,
suggesting a lack of clear incentives for
ensuring inclusive advancement of women
to leadership positions in corporate Africa.
(Africa Advisory Group).