Personal Project 1 | Page 9

4. Taking Action

This is arguably the most difficult part of the whole process. You may encounter problems that you did not anticipate before. The most important thing is to keep a positive mindset. Michelle and Madalena were really good because they were able to rethink their project (after their first app did not work) without hesitation.

You Try:

1. Find a problem in the community around you; it could be within your family, school, country, or even world.


- Long lunch queues at the school cafeteria

- You and your sibling can never decide who needs to do the chores

2. Follow the steps- try at least until "Making A Plan"

3. Write down your idea and send it in to have your idea published in the magazine!

Why should I do this? Inventors, computer scientists, and many other professions have to do with solving problems. You should practice this skill so that you will be prepared so that you are prepared and comfortable to present whenever you are asked.

Name : Damini Kohli

My Proposal

Problem : Most students have to wait

around minutes in line to get their

lunch and we only have 40 minutes!

Solution : A form that allows students to

order their food for the whole

week. Therefore, the cooks can have

the food ready by the time lunch

starts, for students to simply pick up.