Personal Project 1 | Page 22

An Art Historian is a profession that requires a person to analyze art, which can tell the viewer more about the artist, the mood of society during the time period (in which the piece was created), and even the influences of that style from other cultures. This, however, is time consuming and requires an extensive memory and recognition of different symbols, techniques, and styles. In turn, that is when Computer Science helps. Recently, there has been the creation of programs that will analyze paintings and pull out important information (the same

symbols used, the same stroke

and composition of the subject,

etc.) and this has been

groundbreaking. Now

computers are able to

map out and draw

connections between

different artists and

their influences that

have we have not

found ourselves yet.

Here is a diagram that

a Rutgers' computer has made mapping artistic connections.

Computer Science in the Job Industry