Learn The ConCepts
Even if you do not have a computer, you can still learn about the basic concepts of coding. Today, you will be learning about how coding can help you complete jobs more efficiently.
Pretend that You work at a grocery store and you need to sort fruit. One day you are given a machine to help you sort the fruit, but you need to give it instructions on how to sort the fruit into the right containers:
Red Apple Orange Green Apple Yellow Banana Green Pear Strawberry
Try and Write a set of Instructions for the machine to sort them into their correct bins. the robot can only see color and shapes.
1. Start Out By Making A Numbered List and use phrases such as "If object is ________, then place object _______"
2. You may need to have more than one line of instructions for some fruits: (If you were trying to tell the machine how to sort Red apples)
"If Object is a circle, place in Red Apples" <- This is not enough because oranges, Red apples, and Green Apples are all circular. You may need to add a second line that tells the machine to look at the color. (See a Full Solution in back)