Perrywinkle's Holiday 2023 | Page 29

Did you know that over 40 % of proposals occur during the holidays ?

Some of the best proposal stories are just too good to be true . But these ones are true ! If you ’ re ready to pop the question , it ’ s time for some inspiration from these remarkable , magical , and absolutely true holiday proposal stories !
Jamie was trying to maintain her Christmas cheer while her boyfriend , Tyne , was hyperactively rearranging her entire family for a Christmas card photo , grabbing everyone by the shoulders and ensuring that the letters drawn on everyone ’ s matching t-shirts spelled out “ Merry Xmas !” What Jamie didn ’ t notice was that seconds before the picture was snapped , the “ e ” in “ Merry ” switched places with the ” a ” in “ Xmas ” and the “ X ” and “ s ” quickly dipped out of frame .
When Jamie looked at the picture moments later , she did a double take . Across the chests of each of her family members were the words “ Marry me .” With tears of shock and joy in her eyes , Jamie turned around to see Tyne down on one knee behind her .
New Year ’ s Eve , 2018 . A young man with an engagement ring in his pocket takes his girlfriend into a local bar , his mind plagued with doubt and worry . He knows he wants to propose on New Year ’ s Eve . He just doesn ’ t know when or how . As holiday luck would have it , the young man noticed a film crew in the bar , their gear all emblazoned with the CNN logo . The young man excuses himself from his girlfriend and surreptitiously strikes up a conversation with the film crew and whispers to them his secret plan . The film crew agreed and during a live segment , the CNN host introduced the couple to the audience at home . Without a word , the young man got down on one knee and the host stepped aside so they could have their moment . And everyone watching across the country learned the happy news when the host shouted into their microphone , “ She said yes !”
A Vancouver couple was strolling through a crowded outdoor Christmas market when , without warning , 40 of the market patrons exploded into choreographed song and dance . The groom apparent was then handed a guitar , and he joined in the production before getting down on one knee and proposing to his soon-to-be fiancée .
Mansi and his girlfriend , Sushil , headed for their favorite bench in Central Park . The bench was donated in honor of Mansi ’ s grandparents , and the spot had always held special meaning for both . Once they arrived at the bench , Mansi was quick to get down on one knee and ask for Sushil ’ s hand . By this time , a small crowd had gathered , and everyone , including Mansi , was quite shocked when Sushil also pulled out a ring and presented it to Mansi . It turns out she was planning to propose to him at the exact same time at the exact same spot . A rare and beautiful double proposal !
Joe promised Chelsea that they would cut down their first Christmas tree together . But when they arrived at their local Pennsylvanian tree farm , Chelsea discovered there was a lot more than just a tree waiting for her . After passing hundreds of trees , the young couple spotted a red ribbon tied to a branch . Joe ushered Chelsea down the row marked by the ribbon and that ’ s when Chelsea spotted their tree . The words “ Will You Marry Me ” were strung up on the tree like Christmas ornaments . Joe had planned the whole thing . And Chelsea said yes . Joe got to work cutting the tree down , and that very special tree would become their very first Christmas tree .