Perrysburg Pulse Magazine Perrysburg Pulse October | Page 13
But Janis and I were there to talk
about how I am uniquely wired
through my strengths. And based
on that wiring she was asking me to
think through how I define success.
In my life. My work. This newest
viewing the book launch hovering
over my next week, but it has made
me think through the question of
how I define success in life. So much
of this new book is about paying
attention to today. To lift my eyes
from my screens and notice what’s
around me. It is also about being
And as her question hung there, right
over my half-eaten crepe, I knew the
answer. Success is emails. Not just
So as I stopped by the elementary
any spammy emails. The emails.
school yesterday to check on a certain
My last book came out three years
fourth grader’s allergies, I thought
ago. And I received private messages
this is life success for me.
from women around the world who
told me how the book specifically
As I visited my parents for a few
spoke to their
minutes on the
hearts. These
way home from
"HAVING IMPACT preschool: success.
women’s stories
attached to actual
names and email
As I sent emails to
addresses were how
fellow writers while
I knew the book
my kids ran in and
was effective. Real
out of the house
people with real
chasing the puppy:
And I often
for me
thought, if I wrote
these days looks
this book for this
like being available
one woman, that
and present with
is enough. One life changed. One
those in my closest circle.
family impacted. I believe there is
a ripple effect. At the same time
So work that allows me to drop
I believe one heart moved toward
off and pick up kids from school is
healing is enough reason to celebrate.
important to me. The ability to write
And given my Strengths Finder
words others will read (like these)
profile that definition of success fit
while sitting by the fire on a cold
my values and how I see the world.
Colorado day while my four-year-
old naps is my version of living well.
I contrast this with how many
Having impact outside of my family,
define a book’s success: bestseller
while still being present with those I
lists and units sold. Those are also
live with: success.
important because they represent
potential hearts impacted. I needed to
Of course, I would be thrilled if my
recognize that the hearts impacted are
book hit the number one, top, best
my personal motivator. This clarified
list of all best lists. But I’m not going
definition of success is helping my
to define my success by whether it
sanity this week.
does or not. I am going to define it by
the conversations in the carpool. And
This conversation a few days ago has
the emails.
not only impacted how I’ve been
A trusted voice for Christian
women, Alexandra Kuykendall
speaks around the world about
issues of parenting, faith and
identity. She is the Cohost
of The Open Door Sisterhood
Podcast and has authored Loving
My Actual Life, Loving My Actual
Christmas, and The Artist’s
Daughter: A Memoir. Alex lives
in the shadows of downtown
Denver with her husband Derek
and their four daughters who
range in age from 15 to six. You
can connect with her at: