Perrysburg Pulse Magazine Perrysburg Pulse November | Page 20
I was recently asked to write a letter
to my younger self. It was a powerful
exercise that I believe everyone should
experience. Here is my letter …
Dear Young Amy Jo:
I write this letter to you on a plane as
I fly back to U.S. soil after spending
time in Asia. As I boarded the plane in
Hong Kong, yet another mass shooting
in the U.S. topped global news. The
more we’re exposed to in this world,
the more we realize how little we know
or understand. That said, please take
what’s useful from this advice and leave
behind what is not. You will create your
own journey which makes you unique.
By the way, we’re quite stubborn and
it’s possible you won’t listen to the
advice below. Regardless, you will
still live a fulfilling life (at least until
you’re 36). And, we think in bullet
points and absorb content best in the
form of bullet points so here goes . . .
"Try not to worry so much about:
your career, your weight, your finances,
your future, etc. It all works out."
You’re going to experience some
amazing things. Humble yourself or
the universe will do it for you. The world
is much bigger than us and it doesn’t
revolve around us. The people we respect
the most, including our mentors, are
the humblest people we’ll ever meet.
We can’t bank sleep. Meaning, we can’t