Perreault Magazine - 54 -
Masters Of Our Destiny
Epigenetic Therapy, correctly practiced, is potentially the most significant breakthrough in the field of health and longevity to date. This approach allows us to address a predisposition to certain states of health and being. Raising one’s vibration, as a conscious focus can do much to alleviate conditions that one was predisposed to manifest in physical form. The applied practice of this new awareness is empowering, for we can learn to become masters of our destiny instead of victims of our genes.
Physician and best-selling author Deepak Chopra teaches us that we can actually modify our own genes through our actions and behaviors. Miraculous healing occurs as a result of shifts in the consciousness of belief, intention, spiritual practice and prayer. Individually and collectively we constantly contribute to the development of our Universe with our thoughts and our intention behind them.
The Effects of Conscious Intention on Global Change
In the beginning, life was experienced primarily from our instinctive nature. Humans existed within the scope of the environment. Intentions and focus were on survival.
Much of our mindset is still rooted in the past and still operating in the mode of surviving. In today’s modern world our technology has progressed, however when we look around we see that man is still as primitive in his behaviors as he was at the beginning of our current civilization.
The Planet is under what I term “Re-Construction.” We are at the threshold of a new way of living life, where integrity and transparency are the building blocks for a new structure of life. The Illusions and beliefs that we perceived through the lenses of the ego –mind are falling away
as we open our eyes to the new world we are entering.
There is a higher energy frequency that holds the information of a Greater Consciousness that is now permeating all life. Everything as we know it is shifting; the weather patterns, banking systems, governments even the Earth itself. However, the utmost change to be experienced is the shift that is taking place within each individual. The way life experiences and values are perceived leads one to Awareness and a yearning for Harmony, Balance and Love coming from the depths of our Hearts as a priority.
As we journey ever deeper into the transformation process, we become intensely aware of the signals provided by our life circumstances, our state of physical health and our vibrational levels relative to all that surrounds us. It will be quite easy to determine where we stand in our own process, at any juncture, simply by becoming aware of the ease or difficulty we experience in manifesting our Heart’s desire in our day-to-day life.
We find that we have become the observers and the object of that awareness, simultaneously. Our process of assessing our state of “Well-Being” and shifting our choices accordingly will become an integral part of living. This approach is what practitioners term as “Conscious.” The world is in the mist of reorganizing and as major participants on the playing field of life we must now choose from a focused intention rooted in a consciousness of how we would like it to be, rather than watch from the sidelines caught in the mercy of the circumstances of our physical environment. Every action, thought and choice we make contributes to the creation of the reality we experience as our life.
This major paradigm shift in human evolution has brought us to the doorway of a greater consciousness that transcends our antiquity. The way we navigate the terrains of life will be by “Conscious Intention,” encompassing the Wisdom of the Heart.
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