Perreault Magazine - 60 -
BP: Promoting Health, Education, Creativity
Babies brains are amazing powerhouses that grow in response to creative environments – and in early brain development, there is a firestorm of creativity. Hence this is a reason why promoting health, education and creativity is essential.
Your global efforts to offer health care and education – including arts - around the globe is remarkable. What have been your most important and rewarding efforts thus far?
CS: Having a child come up to me and say that because of you, I am the first in my family to go to college means more to me that all the Grammys in the world. Building a medical clinic in my hometown of Autlan, Mexico for families to have access to health care, nutrition guidance and mental health services is one of our most rewarding efforts as well. This year we plan to focus some of our efforts on teenage suicide on Native American Reservations, which is a very big problem and needs attention. We also are sending “energy” to help in Nepal and in the refugee camps in Syria.
When I think of all the blessings in my life, my family, my music… I am so grateful to play my music and share my music, but I started realizing that I get more joy helping children than I do being number one on the radio.
BP: Music and Magic
We would agree that music is utterly powerful and brings people and nations together. In your opinion, would helping more children explore music and potentially become musicians help create social changes?
CS: Absolutely! I see it every night we are blessed to perform for people. Through Milagro, we believe that any way that we can break the cycle of poverty for children and families is critical. If a child explores and embraces music, art or anything that opens their creative mind…