PERREAULT Magazine November 2014 | Page 71

Because headaches are different and have multiple different and yet specific medications, randomly assigning patients to groups will not produce a valid result based on homeopathic concepts. Thus this form of conventional medical study fails at proving or disproving homeopathy just as a study of ethical values of a country with a different value system fails based on the American value system.

I encourage and invite anyone who is interested to read the latest research on Homeopathy, like the following, to please visit the following website:

Mathie RT, Roniger H, Van Wassenhoven M, Frye J, Jacobs J, Oberbaum M, Bordet MF, Nayak C, Chaufferin G, Ives JA, Dantas F, Fisher P. Method for appraising model validity of randomised controlled trials of homeopathic treatment: multi-rater concordance study. BMC Med Res Methodol 2012;12:49.

Chapman EH, Weintraub RJ, Milburn MA, Pirozzi TO, Woo E. Homeopathic Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. J Head Trauma Rehabil 1999;14(6):521–542.

Bell IR, Lewis II DA, Brooks AJ, Schwartz GE, Lewis SE, Walsh BT, and Baldwin CM. Improved clinical status in fibromyalgia patients treated with individualized homeopathic remedies versus placebo. Rheumatology 2004;43:577–582.

Jacobs J, Jonas WB, Jiménez-Pérez M, Crothers D. Homeopathy for childhood diarrhea: combined results and metaanalysis from three randomized, controlled clinical trials.
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2003;22(3):229-34.

Frass M, Dielacher C, Linkesch M, Endler C, Muchitsch I, Schuster E, Kaye A. Influence of potassium dichromate on tracheal secretions in critically ill patients. Chest 2005;127;936-941.

Witt CM, Lüdtke R, Baur R and Willich SN. Homeopathic medical practice: Long-term results of a cohort study with 3981 patients. BMC Public Health 2005;5:115-122. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-5-115

Although I have a medical background as well as osteopathy, homeopathy, and anti-aging medicine, I lack formal education about acupuncture.

My knowledge of medicine and ignorance about acupuncture does not disprove acupuncture. Once, as a medical student, I presented to the attending physician and the residents of the hospital I was working at the case of a female patient who stated her fibromyalgia symptoms had improved with acupuncture. This was the response I received from the attending physician: “Dr. Hakimi you think that our strong anti-inflammatory medicines did not work treating this woman’s symptoms but a bunch of needles did?” Ten years later I was able to manage my chronic sinusitis issues with cupping and “a bunch of needles” with the help of my acupuncturist at a point when all the allergy medications failed to do any good. Shouldn’t our lack of knowledge about a subject humble us to learn about it rather than giving us the supposed right to convincingly refute its essence?

Homeopathy is about managing symptoms; the compilation of which has one or multiple diagnosis. It is a choice among others for the physicians who practice it and patients who use it.

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~ Dr. Hakimi

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