Because headaches are different and have multiple different and yet specific medications, randomly assigning patients to groups will not produce a valid result based on homeopathic concepts. Thus this form of conventional medical study fails at proving or disproving homeopathy just as a study of ethical values of a country with a different value system fails based on the American value system.
I encourage and invite anyone who is interested to read the latest research on Homeopathy, like the following, to please visit the following website:
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2003;22(3):229-34.
Although I have a medical background as well as osteopathy, homeopathy, and anti-aging medicine, I lack formal education about acupuncture.
My knowledge of medicine and ignorance about acupuncture does not disprove acupuncture. Once, as a medical student, I presented to the attending physician and the residents of the hospital I was working at the case of a female patient who stated her fibromyalgia symptoms had improved with acupuncture. This was the response I received from the attending physician: “Dr. Hakimi you think that our strong anti-inflammatory medicines did not work treating this woman’s symptoms but a bunch of needles did?” Ten years later I was able to manage my chronic sinusitis issues with cupping and “a bunch of needles” with the help of my acupuncturist at a point when all the allergy medications failed to do any good. Shouldn’t our lack of knowledge about a subject humble us to learn about it rather than giving us the supposed right to convincingly refute its essence?
Homeopathy is about managing symptoms; the compilation of which has one or multiple diagnosis. It is a choice among others for the physicians who practice it and patients who use it.
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~ Dr. Hakimi
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