PERREAULT Magazine NOV | DEC 2016 | Page 51

Resource Mapping

1.People, Places, and Things: low-hanging fruit.

For each Need, jot down the first possible solution for each category. It can be things like, “My brother’s friend who knows...,” or “the new boutique that just opened down the street.”

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself here, as in the next round we’ll really be getting more creative and digging deeper.

2.Get strategic and apply filters.

Apply filters to the items you just jotted down. For contacts, you can use your social media networks to flush out your potential contacts list. Don’t be shy here, if there is anyone in a particular industry, company, organization, etc that can help you fulfill a need - they are fair game to ask.

For competitors, look at what they have done/are doing to meet a similar need. Look at similar companies within that same vein and mirror what has brought them success.

Also, are there any partners that could help increase your value or sweeten your end of the deal?

3.Make it real.

Next step is to make it real. Make it a priority and block off time on your calendar. Make sure to assign/allocate resources to go after the goal. And once you make a plan, stick to it. Ask yourself: what are you tangibly going to do to get from point A to point B? Daily, weekly, etc. Make sure to set goals and a timeline framework.

These are steps I personally use to vet, chase, and create opportunities in my business. Don’t get caught in a cycle of chasing the wrong opportunities, or opportunities that drain your time, energy, and finances. Find out what you really need, prioritize, and then go after them!

Ingrid Vanderveldt, M.Arch, MBA

Founder & Chairman, EBW2020, Empowering a Billion Women

by 2020