PERREAULT Magazine NOV | DEC 2016 | Page 17

Adi­das and Par­ley for the Oceans are re­think­ing design, ma­ter­ial use, and 3D-print­ing in their

run­ning shoe made from ocean plastic.

A team of part­ners, in­clud­ing Par­ley for the Oceans and Adi­das, has cre­ated an in­nov­at­ive shoe, the up­per part of which is made en­tirely of yarns and fila- ments re­claimed and re­cycled from ocean waste and deep-sea fish­ing nets. Removing more than 72 km of illegally abandoned deep-sea netting, and re­turn­ing thou­sands of il­leg­ally cap­tured tooth­fish and other bycatch to the sea in the pro­cess, Adi­das and Par­ley for the Oceans are turn­ing ocean debris into a valu­able ma­ter­ial for the fash­ion in­dustry.

Since launch­ing the pro­to­type, Adi­das and Par­ley for the Oceans have worked to convert old fishing nets and ocean plastic into fibers used to make a performance shoe. Adi­das and Par­ley are work­ing on a con­sumer-ready range of foot­wear that will hit the mar­ket by the end of 2016.

3D-Printed Shoe Made from Ocean Plastic Waste