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BP: In 2006, you felt a deep call to leave your life as a spiritual teacher in the US to help rescue orphans and other abandoned children. You founded a community named Jhamtse Gatsal, which has become a very unique and inspiring home, school and community based in the Indian Himalayas. As all the children call you ‘daddy’, did you know then that you wanted to be the father to so many children in need of a family?
lP: The word father or daddy is the highest title for me. It is a lifelong commitment and responsibility. I don’t think that I have earned it yet! It is also one of my biggest joys when the kids call me father or daddy. If I can win every kids’ heart through my work, commitment and responsibility, that would be my biggest achievement and reward in life.
BP: The film shows us the extraordinary and truly inspirational beauty of your environment. We can feel the freedom emanating from such a space, a space that is a reflection of you and the community.
You bring light and hope through the father figure that you are. How do you see these influences manifesting in the children?
lP: Their genuine smiles, their care for themselves and others, their hugs, their openness, their innocence and simplicity are some way in which I see the Community’s influence manifesting itself in the kids. They come from really challenging backgrounds to heal from their past, but today they are the real healers. There isn’t a person who comes to the Community and doesn’t leave transformed by them. Their genuine care and love have brought joy to many. Many visitors and volunteers have told me that just by looking at the kids and by being in their company, they feel healed. Myself and many staff members also feel that their presence and genuineness reorients us when we are struggling with our own challenges and difficulties. Being present to others selflessly and caring for them are true manifestations of love and compassion. I see it reflected daily in the loving, caring and helpful mindset of the children.