The words "What" and "If" when used separately, are pretty innocuous. But when used together, What If becomes a very powerful entrée into a thought process that might be something very worthy.
The book "Way of The Whale" is an absolute indictment of the plight of captivity.
WHAT IF TILIKUM could spend a night with one of his children and explain what captivity means?
WHAT IF TILIKUM could explain to those who don't understand what it entails/means/suspends? This book explains, through a whale I'm going to call Tilikum, what captivity means. It is a riveting story that explains/enlightens/emphasizes what it is we are doing with captivity.
I HIGHLY recommend this book. I recommend getting copies of this book for anyone in your life who doesn't understand what it is that ignites the passion within you to make things correct for these sentient Big Brains. I imagine somebody sitting beside Angel in that tank in Taiji and reading it to her.
I hope you will all read and pass this sensible explanation along to those who need to hear it - in simple terms.
by Kerry Gogan
Creative Producer - GoGo Productions
Perreault Magazine / March 2014 70