PERREAULT Magazine JUNE 2014 | Page 9


from the Editor...

Perreault Magazine - 9 -

When I began my due diligence and the research to find the best way to combine my past experiences with my current interests - and make it my new line of work - the digital magazine concept began to slowly burgeon and flourish. The first poetic idea was to gather a group of writers that would each bring their own expertise and interests. I could not be more enchanted with the quality of our contributors and the flowering of the publication. Our fast expansion only proves that we are sharing the right information with our readers.

The second poetic idea was to inspire my co-habitants to get involved in one way or another, however small a part it might be, with the protection of our environment and our planet, protection of our wildlife, and to share the plethora of global humanitarian causes we can all get involved with. Almost six months into this publication, we have helped several causes get more exposure and more people are aware of those causes. It is a dream come true. My idea of having a global magazine could only become a reality with the ‘digital’ way.

We are now in 17 countries and are reaching a very large number of subscribers.

Another dream come true.

This month, we are featuring and its President Trip Van Noppen.

This environmental law group of litigators achieves victories we should all be aware of.

CNN should go through a complete makeover and spend more time broadcasting EarthJustice's victories, which in turn expose against whom the battles were fought: large corporations and the government.

I am eager to continue sharing articles about science, world art, health, causes and much more in the months to come.

And finally, welcome to our new contributors: Jean Palamar and David Grondin!

Through this new media, I continue to meet extraordinary people who do remarkable work for the world.

In good health,