PERREAULT Magazine JULY | AUGUST 2016 | Page 33


*Inspiring hope through action.*

The Jane Goodall Institute

Good For All News

Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots


BP: The Jane Goodall Institute is a successful platform where we can engage and make a difference. What is the most urgent need for your Institute today? And what is your message to PERREAULT’s readers?

JG: Our most urgent need is funding to help us scale up our programs. There are 31 JGIs around the world, the largest being in the US, and in all cases successful work could be so much more successful if there was more funding. Another need is government support in some cases.

My most important message to every PERREAULT reader is this: The harm we have inflicted on our planet is so huge that you may feel hopeless and helpless – and so do nothing. But never forget that you, as an individual, have a place in this world, and you make a difference every day. You cannot live through a day without making some kind of impact on the planet – and you have a choice as to what kind of difference you will make each day. Think about the consequences of the small choices you make – what you buy, eat, wear. Was it produced in a way that harmed animals or people, did it involve child slave labor?’ Also, ‘Do I really need it?’ And do you water a drooping plant? Smile at a worried person? Report a stray dog or cat? Sign a petition to stop the murder of whales?

Each of those little choices made by one person alone would not help the world – but hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of small ethical choices, together, will bring about the change we so desperately need’.

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The Jane Goodall Institute

Good For All News

Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots

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