Donald Fan
currently serves as Senior Director in the
Global Office of Diversity of Walmart Stores, Inc., responsible for strategy development, marketing, communications, and reputation management.
SK: Walmart is dedicated to embracing diversity and fostering inclusive workforce for 2.2 million associates in 27 countries with over 11,000 business units. What are some opportunities and challenges?
DF: At Walmart, we’re serious about our commitment to diversity and inclusion. We take it as our responsibility. Our enduring efforts are all about creating opportunities for women and people of color among our more than 2 million associates and 245 million global customers who trust us as their employer of choice and retailer of choice.
Attracting and developing women and people of color as associates, customers, suppliers and partners is critical to ensure customer relevance in our ever-changing fast paced retail environment. It helps us win the war for talent, as we make ALL our associates feel welcomed and valued. And diversity and inclusion drive innovation to help keep us ahead of marketplace dynamics. So attracting and leveraging a diverse workforce is simply a business imperative. Today, Walmart is one of the most diverse employers in the world.
In this new era, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are the new norm. The sheer size is no longer a competitive advantage. Being the world largest retailer and Fortune number one company becomes a challenge, because there is no existing success model that we can replicate and follow. We need to be the innovative pioneer and architect in almost every aspect of the business. We must learn to be nimble and quick to change. We constantly calibrate our initiatives and efforts to address the challenges, such as engaging 2 million associates worldwide, leveraging diversity as a driving force to grow our global business, and developing next generation Walmart leaders to transform our company from the biggest to the greatest.
SK: You came to the U.S. in 1990 from China. You joined Walmart in 1996. What is Walmart’s culture?
DF: I grew up in Shanghai, China. Before I came to the United States for my graduate studies in 1990, I was teaching college in China. My previous professional career centered on academia and I didn’t have any big corporate experience then.
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