PERREAULT Magazine JAN | FEB 2016 | Page 8




We are proud to dedicate our entire issue, and to launch this new year 2016, with educational, visual, eye-opening information about PLASTIC POLLUTION.

The accumulation of plastic products in the environment affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans. We all need to understand the current global situation. We all need to help our EARTH.

The facts are that we are changing our environment as we subject our planet to a tidal wave of plastic waste. We have produced more plastic in the last 10 years than we did in the whole of the last century and this plastic production is having a huge impact. The production of plastic requires vast amounts of precious oil reserves; approximately 8% which equates to the amount used by the whole of Africa. Almost half of the plastic we use is single use, and is then thrown away – the problem is that there is no “away”.

The impact on wildlife, the environment and the potential harm to human health are only now becoming clear.

The facts are that we have to do something and do it now.

While we have already seen a mass movement towards environmental protection and towards sustainability – with governments, individuals and corporations all making a stand, today’s complex and urgent challenges of global overconsumption and environmental depletion require fresh holistic thinking.

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from the Editor...