PERREAULT Magazine AUG | SEP | Page 74

Perreault Magazine - 74 -

Continued from page 47

It is also significant to recognize that the “Heart-Felt and Loving” choices a mother makes throughout her entire life can influence early epigenetic programing. When our internal rhythms are in harmony with the rhythms of nature, we align ourselves with the potential of the infinite source of creative energy in a field of pure consciousness. Nature and Nurture work together in shaping our existence on this planet. The partnership between nature and “Love” has a direct influence on our genes, vibrancy and well-being.

Legacy of Life

Scientists have shown that chromosomes passed from parent to child form a genetic blueprint for development. However, the way you perceive yourself in relationship to your experiences and the lifestyle choices you make have more influence in the turning “ON’ or “Off” of our DNA expression, thus effecting your health and longevity. Our genes reside in a field of energy or resonant fields fashioned by our perceptions, beliefs, thoughts and intentions.

It is in this field of pure potentiality, that all possibilities exist and could subsequently manifest themselves as our reality.

This discovery, based in the Science of Epigenetics, affirms that our conscious awareness and the perceptions of our life experiences, from gestation throughout our entire adulthood, shape the genetic legacy we pass on to our children, our grandchildren and to the future of Humankind.

Mitochondria DNA

It is common knowledge that the nucleus of our cells and their inheritance of 46 chromosomes are

donated by both parents. The DNA from the mother and father are put together in a recombination process that allows the offspring to have traits from both.

However, our DNA is also located in another part of our cells, specifically in organelles called mitochondria, which provide the energy source for cellular function. The major difference is mitochondrial DNA comes solely from the mother.

Only the mitochondria from the egg are present in the cells of the newly developing child. Therefore, our mitochondrial DNA is identical to that of our mother and is transferred from mother to daughter, generation after generation. The mitochondrial DNA of a son, which he received from his mother, is lost at fertilization. The DNA found in the mother’s mitochondria contains codes for making proteins, the building blocks of life. There is emerging evidence that this DNA can also be epigenetically modified to change its expression in the womb and hence influence the development of the baby.