The celebration of barely, one of the first cultivated grains, which is also one of the first to awaken from the winter sleep, was always associated with Spring Equinox. It was the first offering of food given by Spring, a sign of hope. The barely festivities morphed into Passover that later gave birth to Easter. When Easter united with the worship of the goddess Eástre (dawn) she brought as her dowry the hare and colorful eggs.
The spring stories share common themes:
1- They start in a period of oppression, darkness and slavery representing winter. In the story of Passover it is Egypt (in Hebrew Egypt means narrow straits). In the Chronicles of Narnia Pharaoh is replaced by the evil White Winter queen that freezes and stagnates life. In the story of Easter it is the Pharisees who plot to keep Jesus away from his followers.
2- Enter a savior: Moses, Christ, Muhammad. The superhero (usually possess magic) breaks the shackles not shunning away from blood (ruled by Aries) and heavy sacrifice (the sacrificial lamb=little Aries).
3- A battle and or a journey takes place. A displacement, move from slavery to liberty. Receiving a heavenly gift (Torah, Koran, resurrection) that helps transform us from victims to warriors.
4- Arriving to your destination: a symbolic "Promised Land."
In the next few days it is recommend you look deep into the last 6 months and find out what has been oppressing you. Who was your Pharaoh, your evil White Queen? What were you a slave to? Then construct your own version of Exodus, invoke your higher-self, your inner guide to serve as your liberator, your Moses or Christ. Once you have found that part of you, go on a journey for 40 days from the equinox and offer a sacrifice, maybe a detox, or a strong regiment that can represent your 40 days in the desert that Jesus endured or 40 years the Hebrews traveled in Sinai. In that period you will get some gift, a message, a synchronicity that will lead you to a better life and your own Promised-Land.
Important events in the 40 days journey:
March 30th - New Moon in Aries, a great time to start a new project or a new endeavor. It is also the Biblical New year.
April 1st: Fool's Day - It is the day of the Joker, unpredictable events, look for funny wild synchronicities. A day where you are asked to make a leap of faith. JUMP!
April 8th - The Grand Cross. We are all going to get to know the Cross. Christian or not, we will get to carry the cross formed between Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, and Mars in Libra, the very signs I mentioned earlier as being the channels of the seasons. As Prince says in his song "The Cross: "Black day, stormy night. No love, no hope in sight. Don't cry, He is coming. Don't die without knowing the cross…
This formation peaks April 22nd: crazy driving, intense emotional releases, quitting jobs or getting fired, computer issues, revolutions, wars, relationships ending and beginning, very busy ERs and police/fire stations, angered public figures, and agitated or overwhelmed people/animal and...aliens. You can see the cross marked in red below:
April 15th - Powerful Lunar Eclipse. The moon will appear red and bloody. I will send another email before. It is an intense day, a wild-card, a generator or synchronicity pitting "I" versus "Thou" in the ring of life. So if you are in work in the USA, being that it is Tax Days, take heed when filing your taxes and be honest and organized.
I wish you a great Astrological New year and may you find your promised land. If you are in New York, I hope to see you in person between April 1-10.
Peace, Gahl
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