The expression of our DNA is primarily determined by these frequencies generated and based on the way we view ourselves, our thoughts and beliefs as well as our environment. Gene expression triggered by stressful emotions can be harmful, whereas gene expression triggered by Heart Centered thoughts and actions are nurturing and beneficial to the body.
Flourish in a New Reality
Everything in the Universe is connected. Consciousness is the omniscient information field that connects everyone and everything. Every act, thought and choice we make adds to the fabric of life. We now understand that our consciousness alters our genetic and DNA expression, moment by moment. Our decisions and choices ripple through the universe of consciousness to affect the lives of all. When we grasp the enormous opportunities for altering our genetic expression offered by changes in consciousness, we reclaim responsibility for our well-being and give ourselves opportunities to flourish in a new reality.
The Epigenetic Therapist’s Role in Facilitating Conscious Choice
Our perceptions of our experiences are essentially distorted by our own self-definition and are qualified by identifying with our limitations. How many people know what it is to live beyond fear, a place where Joy as the meaning and purpose of existence becomes transparent? As we transcend the illusions of our mind-made reality and live in the awareness of our birthright, suffering dissolves and liberation becomes our Truth.
As perception itself evolves with one’s level of consciousness, it becomes apparent that it is by taking responsibility for the choice of attitude and actions and thus their consequences, that the observer can transcend the role of victim. This places the primary responsibility for health and healing in the hands of the individual. We must consider the implications of the fact that our emotional and mental environment, which we create as individuals, is one of the primary influences in controlling the expression of our genes and cells. The Epigenetic Therapist’s role is facilitating the integration of this “Power of Choice,” in the individual.
It is other than life’s events, but how you react to them, as well as the attitude that you have, that determines whether your experiences are perceived as opportunities or stress.
It is well known in the traditional medicine community, that stress is the cause of many disorders and illnesses. However, the source of stress is mostly overlooked and the treatment tends to blame external circumstances. The therapies that have been employed are usually designed to correct the results of an energy imbalance, but unless the attitude along with the corresponding frequency that is causing the energy imbalance is corrected, the illness tends to return.
We are building new neural pathways with every thought and feeling. This gives us the opportunity to choose the epigenetic influences that benefit our health and the quality of our lives.
The individual human mind is similar to a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The database is human consciousness with roots in “Universal Intelligence”. It transcends time, space and all self-imposed limitations of individual consciousness. The ever expansive information to shift lives, both individually and collectively, contained in the data base, is astonishing and readily available to anyone, at any time or place. The key is how to access this consciousness. Epigenetic Therapy can help individuals navigate the software.
We now have the opportunity to initiate a new era of human experience, based on the observable and verifiable truth of “Knowing.” We have at our fingertips a means of accurately discovering answers to previously unresolved personal and social problems. Any further advance in our spiritual evolution requires this verifiable basis for “knowing,” upon which we may place our trust.
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