PERREAULT Magazine APRIL 2014 | Page 45

A shift in parenting consciousness is necessary to understanding that we do actually exist before the age of three. Traditionally, it was thought that people didn't have any memory before this age and what we live during this time is null and void. We now know, through the research in epigenetics, that from the point of conception to about the age of three both our brains and our cells are being hard-wired by the experiences we have in our first environment. The first environment is the mother. Each baby receives it’s genetic “start up capital” from both parents but then it is the environment, the experiences the baby has, that triggers, or not, the genetic potential. For example there are two powerful forces at work, or play, within us. Love and Fear! When a mother lives in love, her body secretes the hormones oxytocin (the love hormone) and endorphins. These powerful hormones give the baby, who is bathed in this cocktail, the feeling of love, connection and safety. This provides optimum conditions for the baby’s growth and development. The mother’s feelings and deepest core beliefs about herself and the world is communicated and even downloaded” into her baby’s subconscious.

On the contrary, if the mother lives largely in fear and stress her body secretes cortisol and adrenalin and these hormones reduce the oxygen and blood supply, as well as the nutriments and even the detoxification of the baby’s cells. This causes constriction and the energy then goes into building a more robust body ready to fight, flight or freeze rather than energy being available for the brain development. More brawn than brain or vice versa will result! Naturally what the mother eats, drinks, breaths, and her lifestyle greatly affect her growing baby. We know that this is a life-long effect. Studies show that babies deprived of, or over exposed to certain things during pregnancy can cause heart disease, diabetes, depression and other life-threatening diseases during adult life.

Even 30 years after this evidence was first published it still hasn't been popularised or even recognised in the mainstream. We now need to bring this understanding to public consciousness and take action to empower mothers. It has become one of my life long missions to get this information out to all levels of society.

The United Nations is working on the Development Agenda. It is, however, obvious that what we really need is a Human Development Agenda.

Pregnant mothers hold the future of our societies in their wombs. Prenatal babies can be “hard-wired” into being peaceful, loving, cooperative, sharing and empathetic human beings just as all too often today they are being “hard-wired” into violent, sick or victimised individuals. This is no longer an option we simply can no longer afford it!


You also spoke about the Global Prenatal Initiative. Can you tell us more about that?

Dr. Gerland:

In my position as the Chief United Nations Representative for OMAEP (World Organization of Prenatal Education Associations) we have launched a partnership with the UN's 20th Anniversary of the International Year of Families called the Global Prenatal Initiative (GPI). Our aim is to raise consciousness of the prenatal time, empowering parents to provide the best possible conditions for their baby's development. Knowing that this affects the life-long physical wellbeing and happiness of their child.

This campaign started at sunrise on the 1st January in New Zealand. Throughout the year events are being organised in Europe, India, Africa, North and South America and so on. People will be talking and sharing about the importance of prenatal life. The GPI 2014 culminates with a festival in Kauai, the most northerly of the Hawaiian islands. On this sacred island the mother energy and traditions concerning pregnancy and birth are very strongly imbedded. There will be presentations, workshops and ceremonies leading up to the end of the year. You're welcome to come and join us.

If you would like to attend or organize an event or learn more please visit: or

Dr. JULIE Gerland

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