“When the people lead, the leaders
will follow,”
Craig often says.
Today, Both Ends Burning is continuing to grow and Craig’s vision and drive continue to lead people from apathy to advocacy. Currently he is dreaming of a number of exciting initiatives to reach high school students, college campuses, and anyone who cares about children.
Both Ends Burning is becoming a real and relevant activist organization, and in the process developing a wide range of communication platforms, including never been done before symposiums where countries will gather to discuss opportunities and challenges to better serve the welfare of children.
Craig believes communication influences and changes everything. Having met Craig, and spent some time with him, he is a powerful communicator, a man on a mission, and I am absolutely certain that he won't accept anything less than success for the kids he is fighting for.
If you want to learn more, or join Craig in his unrelenting quest to better the lives of orphan children around the world, please go to www.bothendsburning.org.
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Petitioning Leaders of all world governments
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Leaders of all world governments
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Both Ends Burning Campaign
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