Are we - as residents on this planet and as world citizens - ascending towards a better comprehension of the consequences of our choices?
The developed world is way ahead of the developing world in terms of infrastructure, technology and development policy. As awareness of the impact of global warming spreads, these countries are able to adapt, change and pursue models of growth that can reduce and contain human impact towards the environment.
In the developing countries of Asia, Africa and South America, modernization is only a few decades old and social and ecological responsibility is high on the government's agenda. Therefore, all new development has to adhere to global standards and concerns with the environment with tiny budgets. This is leading to numerous innovations in technology and revolutionizing construction methodology in a cost effective way. For instance in India, passive systems of thermal control, designing for low thermal gain, use of energy efficient materials, optimizing day lighting and containing carbon footprint are the key factors in design discussions along with cost of construction.
However, we feel that buildings are being reduced to functional boxes that clutter urban landscapes. For instance, our research into flow systems is allowing us to design buildings that fundamentally embody these ideas in the form, structure and program of a building - replacing the cookie cutter, over-engineered buildings. We believe that by designing architectural forms that are inspired by natural phenomenon, we can create integrated designs that evoke the senses and seamlessly blend with the environment.
A Skyscraper That Grows Like A Tree
Perreault Magazine - 23 -