Gahl Sasson is a spiritual teacher who has earned a wide and enthusiastic following across the globe. He teaches ongoing workshops on Kabbalah, Mythology, and Astrology in Europe, Israel, Turkey, Mexico, and in dozens of cities across the United States.
He is the author of A Wish Can Change Your Life: How to Use the Ancient Wisdom of Kabbalah to Make Your Dreams Come True, which was published by Simon and Schuster in 2003. The book was endorsed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and is now in its fifth printing.
jeff Berger, (aka "Berger"), founded Dope Den Productions in 2004. There, he set out to find emerging artists and musicians to collaborate with, push the boundaries of music and visual arts and ultimately, expose to the masses.
"Dope Den" is home to a dedicated group of artists, writers, musicians, fashionistas, tastemakers and trendsetters whose efforts have caught the attention of major corporations including: SOL Republic, Android, Blackberry/RIM, MTV, VH1, Coke, Nike, Rane, Digidesign, Sony Oxford, Garageband Remix Jampack, LRG, Diesel/55 DSL, Upper Playground and Levis.
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Lulu Berton is an Italian-American novelist, host, and journalist.
With broad international experience across print, radio, and TV, Lulu currently specializes in popular culture, food and travel stories.
She now operates as the LA senior and contributing editor for the Italian editions of Rolling Stone, Cosmopolitan, Flair, Corriere della Sera’s Style and Panorama magazines. She is also a contributing editor to Angeleno Magazine's food section.
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