PERREAULT Magazine APRIL 2014 | Page 11


from the Editor...

Perreault Magazine - 11 -

Even if life is moving at a very fast pace, there is a sense of peace and ‘joie de vivre’ in the air.

Spring is in the air perhaps? Upon the completion of April’s issue, authors, musicians, artists, columnists, guest writers and activists have all come together to help me create an insightful and educational publication. I continue to enjoy and discover the cutting-edge aspect of a digital publication and all the possibilities of bringing to life certain articles, even ads, by showing videos or adding music or slide-shows.

For April, our ‘Man with a Cause’ is Craig Juntenen. Craig is a dynamic and driven man, a father and activist who fights hard to get children out of orphanages and into the arms of a loving family. I discovered a team of four ‘architects / artists’ who create splendor for the eye and design solutions for the environment. We have three wonderful new additions to our elite group of columnists: Lulu Berton-Journalist, Kerry Gogan-Entertainment & Bookings Executive, and Dr. Payam Hakimi- a medical director who blends Eastern and Western medicine.

Dr. Hakimi will share his expertise in the field of Chakra-Biology, which provides the scientific basis for the energy centers in the body and how the anatomy and physiology of each center is revealed and correlated to the psyche.

We are also introducing a four part interview with Dr. Julie Gerland, a passionate advocate for the ‘Global Prenatal Initiative’ and the importance of what the mother experiences during pregnancy, inspiring a paradigm shift for the world we want.

There is a tremendous amount of people doing grand work around the world and my goal is to find them and bring them to you. The creation of this media is not only a poetic prescience into my life, it is the affirmation that I am perfectly aligned with its present and future evolution.