5- Egocentric: the human brain loves to hear about itself in particular the reptilian brain. We are all about us. Make sure you let your client know that it is all about him or her. What is in it for them? You must satisfy that egocentric brain. Never negate their feelings. You do not have to agree with them but you can't deny, neglect or object what they feel.
The previous tools and skills bring us back to the operational vs relational sales people. Operational sales people tend to use tools such as pure facts and complex figures which are great for your rational brain. The trouble lies in that your clients might not understand your very logical facts and pie charts. Their reptilian brain will take over and will shut down their rational brain. Not understanding brings fear to people, it is an evolutionary response. When the operational sales person is showing you facts and figures, he is relying on your rational brain to make those decisions. They are unfortunately talking to the wrong part of the brain. On the other hand the relational salesperson uses emotional charged visual stories to tap into the client’s reptilian and emotional brain. These techniques can help open the path to their rational brain. These techniques also allow people to really understand what you say, to connect with you and to build trust.
Our neocortex or rational brain believes that it is the driving force for decisions we make. In actuality your decisions result from the reptilians brain influence: you need to connect to the basic instinctive part of your brain before you even try to rationalize with people. We all want to believe that we make rational and thoughtful decisions but reality shows that ALL decisions begin as an emotional instinctual decision using our reptilian and emotional brains. We then take a second step to rationalize it in our
rational brain. This means that our core decision making relies on our primal instincts and emotions first!
Our brains are like the operating systems on a PC.
We think Microsoft Windows is the one in charge, but if you are an old school computer geek like myself, you will know that Windows is just a mere façade. Our brain works the same way. Our neocortex is Microsoft Windows and the reptilian brain (stem and cerebellum) is DOS, the true operating system of a PC. Without DOS windows would be inoperable. I want you to remember this: If you can control the reptilian brain, you can control people’s decision making outcome: buy, buy, buy.
German Garcia-Fresco, PhD.
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