Perreault Magazine - 48 -
We Are Music
At its core, music is sound and sound is rooted in vibration. Modern science is now recognizing what the ancient mystics and wise men have told us for centuries; everything in the Universe is in a constant state of vibration. We are made up of literally, only vibrating energy. Every atom is just a probability wave and what we call physical matter is really empty space. Thus, we can be strongly impacted either positively or negatively by vibrational energy. Our body responds to vibration and the trillions of cells inside of us form one grand symphony of sound.
The Epigenetics of Sound and Music Therapy
The vibrations of a human voice as well as objects that resonate: tuning forks, gongs, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls and didgeridoos ,are used in Sound Therapy to balance and heal the body’s energy fields. Sound Therapy works by altering the body’s frequency waves to promote healing. It has its roots in ancient traditions of ritual chanting, drumming, and early musical instruments. At the very leading edge in Quantum Physics, scientists are recognizing that the molecules in our bodies are actually controlled by these frequencies.
“Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes
A research study conducted at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit of the University of Helsinki in Finland found that the recovery rate of stroke victims who listened to music for one hour a day or more was significantly faster. Memories and fluency of speech improved more rapidly … music listeners appeared to have a more cheerful disposition and focused attention … their ability to control and perform mental operations and resolve conflicts improved by 17% and verbal memory improved by 60% in music listeners. Music has been shown to unlock memories in Alzheimer’s patients who’ve lost their recollection of most details of their life, to help Parkinson’s disease sufferers by activating the brain’s motor regions to restore the ability to walk , and shown to initiate speech in those with speech impediments and make their halting speech patterns disappear. Other afflictions that have responded to music therapy include autism, reading disabilities like dyslexia, and even impaired growth in premature babies
The Love Note
There is an ancient 6-tone scale of electro-magnetic frequencies called the Solfeggio Scale, which is also known as the “Healing Frequencies.” This scale, which was lost for centuries and was just recently rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo, is said to hold unlimited potential in healing and personal transformation. They are ancient tones used in sacred music, including the beautiful Gregorian Chants.
One of the notes on the Solfeggio Scale that vibrates at 528 Hz, has been termed the “Frequency of Love.” It is this harmonic frequency that sustains health and longevity. It was concluded, that the audible sound waves of the Solfeggio scale cause resonance by influencing the water molecules that surround the DNA helix, bringing about profound healing.
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