PERREAULT Magazine APR | MAY 2015 | Page 46

the new science of


The Healing Power of Sound and Music

Over the past centuries music and sound have been used by every culture to worship and praise the Celestial. It has also been used to heal, strengthen, rejuvenate and restore us physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

Sound is the fundamental premise for the oldest and highest form of art. What we call “Music” is just one manifestation of sound frequency.

Life Is Rhythmic

Music is based on rhythm and harmony and is a part of the cycle of natural life. Primarily all functions of Human life are based on rhythm.

Day and night, seasonal changes and all physiological and biological functions are rhythmic. We inhale and exhale, our hearts contract and expand. It is easy to see that mostly all functions of life are rhythmic: sleeping, eating, menstrual cycles, walking and talking are all rhythmic.

Music Promotes Healing

Researchers began to systematically study the application of music to medicine and healing near the end of the 19th century. The modern day sound and music therapy profession emerged after the World Wars, as musicians began playing at veteran hospitals to help soldiers recover from physical and emotional traumas. The effects were significant. Music and sound are now being acknowledged and gaining more prominence in the medical and health arena. The use of music, in both pre- and post-surgical operating environments, has dramatically decreased the need for anesthesia. Listening to music was also found to be more effective than before

Epigenetic Therapist

by Steven Mana Trink


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