PERREAULT Magazine APR | MAY 2015 | Page 118

Healthy . Natural . Organic .


1 bunch green garlic – tops trimmed

1 bunch green onion

1 bunch parsley

1 bunch cilantro

1.5 cups olive oil

2 teaspoons Maldon salt

Fire-Roasted Green Garlic Chimichurri

Perreault Magazine - 118 -

Chef Sherie Farah’s

Farm-to-Table Recipes


Grill green garlic and green onion over medium heat turning constantly until well-charred, approx. 15-20 minutes. Remove from grill and set on a tray. Cover with foil and let rest for 20 minutes so the steam can tenderize and soften the vegetables. When green garlic and green onion cool, rough chop.

Rough chop cilantro and parsley (including stems.)

In a food processor place all ingredients except olive oil, pulse 4-5 times to break down and incorporate. Wipe the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula, turn on low speed and slowly add in olive oil.

Remove and refrigerate.

This recipe is best if it has 24 hours to rest so all the flavors can combine.

(c) Lisa Jane Persky