Perle Magazine Issue 13 PERLE MAGAZINE | Page 46

Phoenix By Mohamed Al Khalifa I am Mohamed, a humble student of life, and an admirer. At times an overwhelming feeling takes over my thoughts from what I see around me, from the vastness of creation, to the complexity of the minute, and the movement of energy and emotions between the living. I use poetry as a channel for my thoughts, to combine both imagery and thoughts, with a piercing sense of realism executed with a rhyme. [fee-niks] Noun (sometimes initial capital letter) a mythical bird of great beauty fabled to live 500 or 600 years in the Arabian wilderness, to burn itself on a funeral pyre, and to rise from its ashes in through another cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope. Arm your bow, and hold your stance  Aim at me, with a final glance  Shoot my love, and scream my name That last stare, it will never be the same Last breaths drawn of what we had My heart screams and my silence goes mad And yet, I ate my thoughts in self doubt  Speak to me, tell me what’s this about A road I laid for you to step To the next love, how wickedly you crept  I spoke in sighs, my body pacing In the dark you left me, anticipating Patience please, take my shaking hand  Be the friend that will understand  Crushed, curled, alone, my skin bare While the world laughs with you, how unfair! 46 Perle APRIL - MAY 2017