Perkiomen Valley School District Annual Report 2016-17 Annual Report 2016-17 | Page 9

Indicators of Academic Achievement PV Student Growth Data Improves for Most Subjects Each year, all public school districts Average Average % Total Advanced/ % Total Advanced/ across the Commonwealth receive value-added reporting through the Subject Growth Index Growth Index Proficient Proficient Pennsylvania Value-Added Assess- 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 ment System (PVAAS). PVAAS is a sta- tistical analysis of PSSA and Keystone Math (Grades 3-8) 1.83 -1.90 65.8 61.8 Exam assessment data computed by Reading (Grades 3-8) -0.67 -6.64 83.1 82.7 the Pennsylvania Department of Edu- cation (PDE). The PSSAs and Keystone Keystone Algebra I -0.84 -0.99 55.1 54.7 Exams represent the standardized Keystone Literature 5.21 5.06 80.7 68.1 state assessments administered to our students in grades 3-10. The analysis Keystone Biology 8.14 4.92 77.2 80.8 of these assessment data results Moderate evidence that the district did not meet Significant evidence that Moderate evidence that the district Significant evidence that the district Evidence that the district met the the standard for PA Academic Growth the district did not meet the in PVAAS scores, which assist us in exceeded the standard for PA Academic exceeded the standard for PA Academic standard for PA Academic Growth standard Growth Growth learning about the academic progress but they are just one of the indicators used by the future PSSA or Keystone Exam. or growth that our students are making toward physician to ensure a child is growing at the mini- proficiency standards. PVAAS data, in addition to mum expected level and is on the trajectory to grow We review PVAAS data, in conjunction with our the PSSA and Keystone data, help to ensure we are students’ achievement data, to make certain all meeting the academic needs of students in reading, as expected. A physician would not use a growth chart in isolation to diagnose a child, but the growth students are on the trajectory to proficiency and mathematics, science and writing. chart can provide valuable information that may growing academically. The chart above will guide generate questions or lead to further exploration. us in focusing our energy on improving students’ The calculation of PVAAS scores is complex. We can reading and math growth. By utilizing all of the think about these academic progress or growth data Similarly, the PVAAS data provide valuable infor- data we have available (both progress and achieve- in terms of a child’s physical growth and the growth mation about the growth of grade level groups ment), we can make stronger data-informed charts utilized by a physician. Growth charts are an of Perkiomen Valley students and can assist in instructional decisions to ensure the academic important tool for monitoring a child’s development, projecting a student’s path to performance on a growth and achievement of all our students. Student Involvement Continues to be an Important Part of PV Experience In addition to collecting our own data on student academic success, we look to outside educational resources to guide us in developing a school experience that is rich in both academic and extra-curricular opportunities. Research and surveys conducted by many different organizations have shown that there is a positive connection between students’ involvement in extra-curricular activities and how they perform or relate to school. As such, Perkiomen Valley School District is proud to offer a number of diverse extra-curricular activities to ensure students receive a well-rounded educational experience. With over 87 athletic teams and over 70 clubs at the middle and high school levels, opportunities abound for students to get involved. Students at the high school level take advantage of these oppor- tunities. In the 2017 Senior Exit Survey, 84 percent of those who responded to the survey indicated they were involved in some type of activity during their time in high school. Our high school students were also likely to have served their community. PVSD Annual Report 2016-17 * 9