To Our Community ,
If you ’ ve ever attended a School Board meeting or seen one of our annual reports , you know that data is important to Perkiomen Valley School District . We like to share it , because it helps tell a story about the work that we do here every day . We like to collect it , because it helps us to make decisions that will help us to become a higher-achieving , more efficient school district .
PV Fast Facts ...................................................... Page 3 School Performance Profile ( SPP ) Scores ............ Page 4 Grade 3 Reading Scores ..................................... Page 5 PSSA English Language Arts Scores .................... Page 5 PSSA Math & Science Scores ............................... Page 6 AP / SAT / ACT Test Scores ..................................... Page 8 PVAAS ( Academic Growth ) Results ...................... Page 9 Behind the Data .......................................... Pages 10-11 Student Highlights ............................................ Page 12 Staff Highlights ................................................ Page 13 Budget Information .................................... Pages 14-15 Grants & Corporate Partners ............................ Page 16
In recent years , the terms “ big data ” and “ data-driven decision-making ” have become buzz words in many different industries and organizations . The ease with which data can now be collected , as well as the quantity and quality of available data , has grown tremendously over the past decade . As a result , the value that we - especially those of us in public education - place upon data has also increased .
Perkiomen Valley School District relies heavily on data to help us determine what changes we might need to make as we continue to improve the learning experience for all students . As you will see here in the pages of this report , we analyze all sorts of data - from the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment ( PSSA ) to the Pennsylvania Value Added Assessment System ( PVAAS ) to the Scholastic Aptitude Test ( SAT ) and Advanced Placement ( AP ) Exams to exit surveys with our graduates - we collect an enormous amount of information about our students .
That information is often the reason behind changes that we implement in our district . One of the major changes that began in the 2015-16 school year was a schedule change in our middle schools . Class periods were increased from 45 minutes to 55 minutes for more direct instructional time with students and a remediation / enrichment / music period ( Viking Block ) was added to the beginning of the school day . This change was made as a result of data that showed our middle school students weren ’ t making expected growth in reading and math . To continue to address this issue , the School Board approved new math curricula at both the elementary and middle school levels at the very beginning of the 2016-17 school year .
But using data alone to make decisions is not without pitfalls . After all , our students are human beings who are much more than numbers on a bar chart . We have to remain cognizant of the fact that while the data tell us quite a bit about how we ( and our students ) are doing , they do not often tell the whole story . That is why , as a district , we also strive to collect feedback from our stakeholders through meetings , surveys and observation . The anecdotal evidence of student success is also very important for us to consider as we make decisions .
The mission of the Perkiomen Valley School District is to provide a rich academic and cultural learning environment that maximizes available resources to assure that all students grow intellectually , socially , and emotionally , attaining the skills necessary to become successful citizens .
This is the difference between “ data-driven decision-making ” and “ data-informed decision-making .” Being aware and appreciative of that difference is critical in a place where we are focused upon helping our students prepare for life in the 21st Century . We thank you for investing your time to better understand our district through your review of our annual report .
Clifford L . Rogers , Ed . D . Superintendent of Schools
Gerry Barnefiher School Board President During the 2015-16 School Year
2 • PVSD Annual Report 2015-16 Follow Us on Facebook , Twitter & YouTube
Click here to watch an introduction from Dr. Rogers