The Colon starlet, anunciando nuestra libertad
Martínez, Henríquez, Clement y
el general Alejandro A. Ortiz (jefe de
la Policía de Colón), Serafín Achurra
(comandante en jefe de la guarnición)
y Luis F. Estenoz son convocados en
la mañana del 4 de noviembre por
Porfirio Meléndez, quien les informa
de lo acontecido y de que posee au-
torización de la Junta Provisional de
Gobierno para dirigir el movimiento
Los patriotas deciden coordi-
nar esfuerzos con el coronel J. R.
Shaler, gerente de la compañía fe-
rrocarrilera, quien les informó de
la llegada de buques de guerra esta-
dounidenses de un momento a otro.
(Continuará en el próximo número)
Martinez, Melendez
and Henriquez
(part I)
Orondaste Luciano Martínez was born in Cartagena de
Indias on January 7, 1858 and died in Panama
on June 19, 1915.
e was the son of a Bolivarian soldier dedicated to commerce.
After completing his studies, he joined liberalism. In Carta-
gena he married Adelina Díaz and moved to Colon in 1880,
when the works of the French channel began.
He was placed in the offices of the French company from 1882 to
1884, when he returned to Cartagena. There were born his four children.
He held various public positions, and returned to Colon to engage in im-
port trade and cattle breeding.
He participated actively in the political and military contests from
1885 until, finally, the Thousand Days War, from 1899 to 1902, where it
reached the title of general.
Mason, a member of the lodge of Colon, was called by Brother Augus-
tine Arango in August 1903 to participate in the conspiratorial works for
the independence of our nation.
He joined other Freemason brothers, sincere patriots, such as Carlos
Clement (1858-1933), Porfirio Meléndez (1854-1915) and Juan Antonio
Henríquez (1860-1915).
Colon declares its freedom
Orondaste was de facto coordinator of the patriots conspiring against