Periódico Casco Antiguo News EDICIÓN 22 · MARZO · 2018 | Page 13


Silver Plated Medallions


The medallions will help furnishing the Metropolitan Cathedral : by selling them , the Caica hopes to buy stained glass windows , a baptismal font , a bell , a pulpit , and a pew .

The Metropolitan Cathedral is one of the main churches in Casco Antiguo , and surely it will be one of the most visited places during the World Youth Day . The event will take place in Panama from January 22nd until 27th , 2019 . It will gather thousands of pilgrims from all over the world , along with Pope Francis , leader of the Catholic Church .

Turning this holy place into an appropriate church for the event is , indeed , a race against time . The money has to be raised by December 2018 , since the project has to be ready in January 2019 . For that reason , the President of the Committee of Casco Antiguo Churches or Caica , Ricardo Gago Salinero , has decided to carry out actions that help to accomplish the goal by the end of December 2018 .
The souvenirs are 48 gr , 5 round cm silver plated medallions . Each of the medallions has the name of the six most important churches of the capital city carved in it . ( Santa María la Antigua , Nuestra Señora de la Merced , Santa Ana , San Francisco de Asís , San José , and San Felipe Neri ), as well as the dates the churches were built , and in the back , the names of the patron saints or virgins from each .
The medallions will be sold individually or in a six-piece set , inside a luxurious wooden box covered in blue velvet . They represent an invaluable treasure which will allow buyers to keep a pleasant memory of Casco Antiguo ’ s religious history , besides contributing with the furnishing of the Metropolitan Cathedral .
The medallions will cost 50 balboas each , and 250 balboas the six-piece set . If you want to buy any of these presentations , you just have to visit any of the Casco Antiguo churches or the Panama Canal Museum store .
Call either 271 0044 ext . 112 , or 6678 8882 for more information .
You can also send an email to caicapanama @ gmail . com or ricardo @ hermanosgago . com .
Foto : Tomada de la Caica / Facebook