time. For the sake of training players of varying ability together as
a group, a 30 s on, 30 s off work structure for the circuit training
part of the sessions was implemented. This format required very
little space and very little equipment. Workouts continued weekly
to biweekly throughout the remainder of the season. Table 2
provides examples of exercises that create a hockey training
One specific area of focus considered paramount to training
sessions was neck strengthening to reduce the likelihood of
the occurrence of concussions. In hockey, and other extreme
contact sports, the strength of the neck plays an important role
in preventing traumatic brain injuries (4,7,8). To address the risk
of concussion in these club athletes, neck strengthening exercises
were incorporated into each training session. Some exercises that
can target this area are isometric lunges with a resistance band
around the head (Figure 2), split lunges with head perturbations,
and isometric head holds with the head unsupported off the edge
of a table. With each of these exercises, it was important to stress
proper alignment and give constant verbal and tactile feedback
since it was often difficult for the hockey players to independently
obtain proper alignment. The most recent International Conference
on Concussion in Sport supports the continued research on
the association between neck strengthening and concussion
prevention (5).
Each session ended with stretching to cool down and improve
flexibility. Some key areas to target (especially with collegeaged men) are the hamstrings, hip external rotators, hip flexors,
posterior shoulder capsule, quadriceps, tensor fasciae latae (TFL)
(Figure 3), and the gastrocsoleus complex.
To supplement training the team, there were additional ways to
support the players in becoming fitter, stronger athletes. Each
week the team members were emailed “fun facts” as part of
the project, which provided evidence-based information to help
them understand and improve their physical performance. Topics
ranged from proper hydration, the effects of detraining, and the
appropriate time to eat before competition, to ideas for how to
deal with the stress of school and illnesses and how to prepare
healthy grains. These emails often led to additional informative
conversations during sessions, which would both motivate the
athletes and teach them about properly preparing their bodies for
One challenge, unique to winter club sports teams, was the
month-long holiday break in December/January. Athletes left
for home just as they were reaching their peak fitness, and upon
returning would practice just two weeks before the start of
playoffs. This month-long break was anticipated and addressed by
writing a detailed training calendar with daily workouts, wellness
information, and motivational facts. Additionally, mid-season
testing was held at the final workout session prior to the break.
Again, this testing was valuable to assess progress up to that
point, and to serve as a marker of performance as they departed
campus. Several athletes traveled to destinations without access to
a rink or gym, so the workouts followed the little-to-no-equipment
profile of our usual sessions. There was ]H??X?H???\??[?H?\?Z[??]?[??^Y\?X?[]H\?[???H^\??\?\??\?B??\?Y?[YH?]\?[??\]][??[?\??^KH?X?]]\???[\??[?X[H???]Z\???X?H?[H\?[?[???Z\????Y\?[??[[??[??[\?[?\??H?HX[x?&\??]??]B?????]?\???YY[?X?H?????T?PT????H?YZ?Y?\?H?X\??[?YH??\?X\??\?[???\??[???\?[?\??\??HY??X???H?Z[?[??[???][?[???\??[????Y??]H?X\???H]]\??ZY?Y[?[????H?[?[[YK??\]Y\?[?????\??[???\?X?[?[\?]\??[??Y????Y?[\??H[?H??\?X?Y?X?K\?]\?[???YH[??[??[?]?]\??[YH?\??[?\??\?[?\?H\??\??Y[?]?YX[H?]XX?]]K?YY?X???Y?\?[?H??X??\?\??Y[?H?]\?H?HX[x?&\??Z[?[???\?^?Y?????T?S???Y?X?[???H?X\??\?H\?H?]?\?[\????X\??Y?B???XZ[?\????]?H?X]Y[???[?]H????Y\????[\??H??H\??Z[???X\????\???X?\?[????\??Z[?[???X?H?[?H?X?X[[???[?Z[????Z[??]HX[K??[B?H??X?XYH??]H]?Z[X?H?[?X??X?H[?H????[??Y][K[??[??[H?X?H??[]?H?Y[?[?H??X?]?B??H\??\??[X?\??]]\?[??\?Z[?^\??\?\??X?\???[??[?Y?[]H\???X??]\?[\?[???[??X??Y[X?\????H?\?[?]H?\?H?\???K\?X\??YY][???]?HX[K??Y??H???H?]H??X?[??\Z[?X??]?\??[????[Y[??H?\?H??[???X?Y?H[?\?HX[H[?[B??X\???Y?[??YY][???]HX[HX\?Y\???[]?H[?X?Y?\??^Z[??\???[??X?Z]?H[?]???HHX[HX??]Z\???Z[?[??[???][?[??[?\?\??[?ZY[??Z[?[??Z\??\?X??X\?H[?H?X\???????[???]?X??????YYX[?H??[?]Y\?]??\??\?HX^H??]?H?Y[????X?H[?H[?]?\??]H?][????[H^?[Y[H]]X?[?[?]?]Y?[\??HZ\??\???X[??K\?H?X?]]\??\?H???]?[?[H[Y[?]Y\]??YH?]^Z[????H]?\?[?H?\??]HX[K??H?Y[]?H[?\?[\??[Y[??HX[HXYH[??^X?[]K?[[??K?[??]?\???\?[?[??H[??X\?Y[??X\???????[??\?[?B?]]\?\?X?\]H[???[Z]Y[?\???[??[?Y???\?[\??\?H]]X[H?[?Y?X?X[^\?Y[??H??HX[K?H\?X?[\?\H?Y[??[?Z?H[?]?\??]x?&\?\?X?[?\?\H???[H\?H??K?H[?[??H[????[Y[??]\?B?]]\??\?[?[\]\????\?\?X?[\?\H?Y[????YZ???[?]Y\????????H?]?\??X?X[\??]?????x?&T?T???PS??H?RS?S????T??ST??QHL??B????