Performance of Indian Schools in Dubai 2014-2015 Inspection Finding Key Findings Report - Dubai Private Schools | Page 36

7 years on... Inspecting for school improvement: A collaborative journey Quality of SEN Currently, only a minority of students have access to a quality of provision which is good or outstanding. Senior leaders and governors in Dubai’s schools need to take swift and focused action to enable others to improve the overall effectiveness of provision for students with SEN, so that all have access to good or better provision. 6% 20142015 34% 41% Progress in learning As the majority of schools’ provision is less than good, it has negative effects upon the progress made by students with SEN. As a result, 40% of students are making good or outstanding progress in learning. Almost one in five are making unsatisfactory progress. This needs to change. 19% 2% 19% 20142015 38% 41% Parent Partnerships Parents of children with SEN are key partners. Most schools, even those with less well-developed provision, work well with the parents of students with SEN. In 63% of schools there are good or outstanding parent partnerships, and in only 7% are these unsatisfactory. 19% 7% 20142015 30% 44% Curriculum modification and support The weakest aspect of provision for students with SEN was the quality of curriculum modification and support. Only 35% of schools did this well, whilst 24% provided unsatisfactory levels of modification and support, meaning that students were not able to understand what they were being taught in their lessons. Providing consistent, appropriate modification and support for students with SEN is a major challenge for schools in Dubai. Improving these two aspects are vital steps that need to be taken now. 8% 24% 27% 20142015 41% Unsatisfactory Acceptable Good Outstanding 20